Earn Money with SmartSpotter

Being a Spotter is about flexible tasks that help you make extra cash. This implies you manage your time and choose how many missions to complete in your day. That said, how much you earn with us depends on how many spots you want to do; the more you complete, the more you make.

Different assignments go live daily, varying in duration, difficulty, and reward. Rewards are based on the assignment's difficulty, location, or length; the range is generally between $4,$10, and $15, but some checks can even pay up to $20. 

Additionally, with every assignment you complete, you will earn SmartPoints, which, when accumulated, allow you to rise in rank. Increasing in position means that you can accept more assignments simultaneously with more time to complete them. 


  • Junior Spotter (0 - 100 SmartPoints required)

It can accept two Spots simultaneously and takes one hour to complete a Spot.

  • Spotter (100 - 1000 SmartPoints required)

It can accept three Spots simultaneously and takes two hours to complete a Spot.

  • Senior Spotter (1000 - 2000 SmartPoints required)

It can accept four Spots simultaneously and takes two hours to complete a Spot.

  • SmartSpotter (2000+ SmartPoints required)

It can accept five Spots simultaneously and takes three hours to complete a Spot.

We do not limit the number of spots you complete weekly or monthly, so your earnings are entirely up to you!

Here are some numbers of how much our Spotters earned in the past year so you can have an idea of how much money you can make with us: 

How much Spotters earned in 2022

• We paid out just over $45,000 to Spotters in June

• Over 400 Spotters earned more than $100 using SmartSpotter in 2022

• The monthly average earned was $357

• Our Top Spotter earned over $30,500 in 12 months

• The highest amount a Spotter earned in a month was over $3,000


Occasionally, we offer a bonus for certain types of spots, where Spotters can choose to earn that extra money. Also, many jobs will require one to make a purchase. Who doesn't love to get free stuff? SmartSpotter will always reimburse spotters for any purchase they are required to make. 

What kind of checks do Spotters usually do?

The best thing about SmartSpotter is that it is easy, fast, and flexible. One reason is that we have so many different types of jobs available that Spotters get to choose the one that best fits their daily chores. 

Retail checks

These are among the most common assignments on our platform. Retail checks usually involve visiting a store and examining promotional displays, ticketing, and stock levels. They also have subcategories: mystery shopping, store audits, competitor intel, and merchandising.