SmartSpotter's Beer Consumption Report

Whether there is in a bar or a BBQ at a mate's place, we know that beer is enjoyed in Australia all year round, with no exceptions. So, it is unsurprising that Oktoberfest is celebrated by boasting endless amounts of beer and vibrant celebrations.

Considering that Oktoberfest is approaching, we surveyed our large Spotters community about their beer-drinking habits, preferences, preferred brands, and much more. If you want to know what we found, read this Consumer Report.

Most Australians drink beer

80% of Australians drink beer. However, 49% do it occasionally, while 31% drink beer regularly. Additionally, male consumers mainly enjoy beer (54% claim to drink periodically). Although most women consume beer, the majority (54.3%) only do it occasionally. 

The State where most beer is consumed in Australia is the ACT, followed by NSW.

Shopping routines

27.93% of consumers only visit Liquor Stores more than every three weeks, while 25.42% do it once a week—78% claim to purchase beer whenever needed, without considering sales or promotions. 

How often do you visit Liquor Stores?

When do you buy beer?

Favorite Retailer

We also asked participants about their favorite place to buy beer. 

For the majority (39.83%), Dan Murphy’s is the best retailer, followed by BWS (30.92%) and Liquorland (10,58%).

Packaging preferences

Most Australians (48%) prefer to buy beer in 6-packs or 4-packs or 24-bottle cases (33%). 

Fun facts: 

  • Buying cases of 24 bottles is prevalent mainly in SA (44,74%), followed by NSW (37.36%).

  • Women prefer buying single bottles or cans more than men. 

Purchasing preferences

78% of consumers state that the price of the beer is the most crucial factor to consider when making purchase decisions. The type of beer comes in second, with 69%.

Fun fact: for men, the type of beer and price are equally important, while women are much more price-sensitive. 

Favorite beer types

Lager is the most popular beer in Australia (with 50%), followed by Pale Ale (44%) and Ale (22%). 

Also, when it comes to beer lager brand preferences, Corona (50%) wins the hearts of Australian consumers. For beer ale brands, Coopers is the most popular, followed by Stone & Wood. Regarding beer stout, Guinness is the one Australians buy the most. Bintang is the most preferred among consumers of Pilsner brands, and James Squire is the winner of Pale Ales. 

Out-of-home channel

Australian consumers' beer choices at bars mostly depend on what's available on tap (52,34%) and the price (42,34%). They do not pay much attention to what's on sale.

Up for a change?

Are Australians willing to try new beer options?

  • "Yes, I always try something different or new" – 12.81%

  • "Yes, sometimes, I like the variety" – 42.62%

  • "Rarely, I mostly go for my usual choice of beer" – 32.59%

  • "No, bar or supermarket, I always choose the same beer" – 11.98%

Fun fact: 18-23-year-old Australians appear to be the most adventurous when trying new beers, as 33% always claim to try something new. On the other hand, only 13% of 24-30-year-olds claim to do so.


Alcohol-free beer is a category that continues to grow fast in Australia, as there are now many great options available. 37,89% of participants state that they drink non-alcoholic beers.  

Additionally, for 36% of consumers that drink alcohol-free beers, the reason is related to limiting their alcohol intake. In comparison, 7,35% of consumers claim that these types of beers have improved their taste. Finally, 38% of participants claim driving responsibility is their main reason. 

Most Popular Alcohol-Free beer brands: 

·         Great Northern Brewing Company: 40%

·         James Squire: 28%

·         Corona: 35%

·         Carlton: 24%

·         Peroni: 20,59%